Orias Hair Washing Punishment
Orias comes home late only to find her step-dad standing there waiting for her. He gives her a sniff and immediately determines she's been smoking or has been around someone who has been smoking. She stinks and he had a feeling this was going to be the case. He forces her down to her knees on a towel laid out on the floor in front of a large clear plastic bin filled with water. She's shocked when her step-dad pushes her head deep into the bucket. She comes up gasping for air. "Get back down there" he tells her and she does as she is told. He means business. After dunking her head down into the water a few times, he pours shampoo over her soaking wet blond hair and starts washing it, soapy suds bubbling up all over as he washes away the smokey smell she's brought into the house. "Did mom put you up to this?", she asks. He dunks her head down into the bucket again and again, her shirt getting soaked as her breasts also go down into the bucket. He pours another handful of shampoo over her head to make sure the stench is gone. One final forward dunking set of rinses and she's now in need of some conditioner. He works the conditioner throughout her hair and pushes her back down into the water again, rinsing away the conditioner before handing her a towel to dry off.