My New Puffy Jacket
Hey there! I have a brand new jacket. Would you like to watch me try it on? I should probably take off my shirt first since it's hot in here and I'd like you to see how it really looks on. It's smaller than most of my jackets but I love the way it hugs my curves. Maybe I should wear it out without a shirt just showing off my cleavage. What do you think? You know what wearing this jacket is making me think about? Why don't you lie back on the bed and let me join you. Climbing up over top of you, stroking your cock with the sleeve of my jacket, now that's much better! I'm so glad you like my new jacket. Let me pull your cock into my mouth and tease it with my tongue. MMMMM. So tasty! I jerk and suck your cock until you're ready to cum, but I'm not quite ready to get my new jacket all messy yet, so I want you to cum all over my hand!