Charlee Chase Football Balloon Popping
Are you ready for football tonight!? I am! I did my first ever Fantasy Draft last night with the VNA. 20 people, 15 rounds and 30 seconds to pick. Overall, I think I did well considering most of the good players were drafted in the first few rounds, but only time will tell! In the meantime, to celebrate football season officially kicking off tonight, I have some balloons I'm going to pop!! Woo-Hoo! I'm wearing a Saints bikini top someone sent to me along with a little skirt, pantyhose and heels. Let's have some fun! I run my fingers over my big inflated balloons, forcing the balloon to squeak as I do so. I dig my fingernails into them. POW! I squeeze them hard against my chest. POP! I dig my high heels into them. BOOM! What's this?! One final balloon I've not yet inflated. Time for me to blow it up until it pops! BANG!