Charlee Chase's Naughty Hairwash
I spent a couple days in Orlando, too busy to wash my hair. Now I'm home and in need of a super hair washing! I'm wearing my CharleeChaseLive white t-shirt, which I bend down to get wet in just the right places! Do you like watching me in the tub? Would you like to join me? I bet you'd love to wash my hair for me, wouldn't you? I pull my long dark reddish brown hair down from my clip and show it off. I grab a giant cup and pour cupful after cupful of water over my head until I'm certain my hair is ready to be washed. Now get naked and join me in the tub! I want my hair washed while I suck and jerk some cock! Now that's better! Slurp, suck, wank, jerk, I want to see my big tits covered in cum. What is more exciting that getting clean WHILE getting dirty!? I finish off by rinsing my long soapy, sudsy, bubble filled hair with several cupfuls of water!