Lola Gives Cheyenne CPR
Cheyenne is making her way out to the car to go to the beach with Lola. She's wearing a tiny camouflage bikini and she's carrying a towel. The room starts spinning as she's walking and she falls to the ground. Lola comes inside from the car in her colorful rainbow bikini wondering what is taking Cheyenne so long. She sees her sprawled out on the floor face down and runs over to help her. She rolls her over and begins to give her CPR. She blows short hard breaths into Cheyenne's mouth as she pinches her nose closed. She climbs on top of her and gives her deep chest compressions. Back and forth, over and over, she tries vigilantly to revive her friend. With each deep chest compression, Cheyenne's lungs force air out but she's still not breathing on her own. After several minutes of resuscitation, chest and tummy compressions, Cheyenne comes to. Lola's CPR has worked!