Choke Hold Gone Wrong
Isobel has just finished showing Malloy some wrestling moves for her upcoming topless match. Malloy wants to practice one of the moves she's not quite sure about. They wrestle around briefly and Malloy tries to put Isobel into a choke hold. She struggles to apply the move properly and Isobel instructs her how to perfect her move. Malloy's not quite certain how hard to squeeze and as she's trying to figure it out, Isobel goes limp from her choke hold and she falls to the mat. Malloy attemps to administer CPR, but doesn't know the proper technique. She administers several chest compressions followed by mouth to mouth. Isobels chest and stomach rise with each breath but Malloy isn't giving her enough breaths to do her any good. She continues trying to resuscitate her friend to no avail.She straddles her and tries to do chest compressions, but she's not positive she's doing it properly. Despite her efforts, Malloys attempts to resuscitate Isobel do not work. She leaves her friends lifeless body on the mat to call for help.
WARNING: This clip does not end with Isobel coming to. No models were harmed during the filming of this or any other clip!