Isobel Gives Malloy CPR
alloy is on the phone, making plans to meet up with some friends at a party. Isobel is in the other room looking for a shirt to wear. Malloy hangs up the phone and clasps her chest, wheezing hard as she gasps for air. She calls out for Isobel to help her as she falls to the floor. Isobel comes running out, concerned for her friend. She lays her out straight, listens for a heartbeat or breath and begins to resuscitate her. She clasps her hands together in between her breasts, pumping her chest. She tilts her head back, opens her mouth, pinches her nose closed and blows deep breaths into her mouth. She alternates between several chest compressions and mouth to mouth. She continues trying to resuscitate her friend until she finally comes to. She advises her not to try to get up, but to lay there and catch her breath while she calls for help.