Evelyn Rose Dunking Hair Washer
Evelyn Rose is completely naked in the bathtub. She's going to wash her short brown hair. She leans forward, dunking her entire head fully under the water, thoroughly saturating her hair. She adds a handful of shampoo and works it throughout her hair. Her hair isn't lathering up as much as she likes so she adds more shampoo. She rubs and scrubs it all throughout her brown hair, but the bubbles are being stubborn. She pours more shampoo directly over her hair and continues massaging it all throughout. Now it begins to get sudsy. She leans forward, dunking her head completely under the water, holding her breath as she rinses she shampoo from her hair. She doesn't wring her hair of water, she just adds more shampoo with her hair soaking wet. Now it lathers up nicely! Her bubbles grow thicker and thicker as she uses her fingers to massage her head and hair. Once she feels her hair is clean, she leans forward for her final dunking rinse. Evelyn holds her breath, staying under the water as long as she can while running her hands through her hair to rinse away the sudsy shampoo bubbles.