Elan Sprains Her Ankle
HIGH DEF - 1280 X 720 HD WMV
Elan is working outside in her back yard, raking up the leaves in her flip flops as fall is underway. Her ankle rolls out from under her and she falls to the ground. Her flip flop comes off as she falls to the ground. She talks about how clutzy and ungraceful she is as she notices her ankle is swelling. After giving it a rub and wiggling and spreading her toes, she uses the rake to try to stand up, but as soon as she puts weight on it, she falls back down, left in pain. Elan tries to stand again, using the rake, and is much more successful since she puts no weight on her hurt foot. She even tries to continue her yard work but realizes it's hopeless so she uses her rake like crutches and makes her way inside to ice her ankle.