Ashlynn Taylor Dunking Hair Washer
HIGH DEF - 1280 X 720 HD WMV
Ashlynn is naked in the bathtub. She slowly pulls down her shiny waistlength brunette hair from her ponytail. Ashlynn leans forward, dipping her hair down into the water, several times, getting it more and more wet until she eventually goes completely under the water, head first, three times, soaking her hair with water. She massages a handful of shampoo throughout her hair, working it into a nice frenzy of bubbles with her fingers. Since her hair is so wet, it lathers nicely almost immediately. Ashlynn dunks her entire head under the water, face first again, to rinse, holding her breath under the water as she uses her hands to rinse away the shampoo bubbles. She does this a few times until she feels her hair is well rinsed. Time to repeat!