Washing Cleopatra's Long Thick Hair
HIGH DEF - 1280 X 720 HD WMV
I love Cleopatra's nearly waist long super thick black hair. I'm the luckiest girl ever to get to climb into the bathtub naked with her to slide my fingers through her long thick mane and wash it for her. I pour cupful after cupful of water over her hair to saturate it before pouring a heaping handful of shampoo into my hands to massage it all throughout her gorgeous hair. It begins to lather nicely, but I want more suds and bubbles so I pour more water over her hair so it can really lather up! I rub my big breasts up against her from behind while I wash her hair. To rinse, I pour cupful after cupful of water over her hair and use my fingers to comb through a handful of conditioner throughout her soaking wet hair.