June 22nd 2011
Isobel has just finished showing Malloy some wrestling moves for her upcoming topless match. Malloy wants to practice one of the moves she's not quite sure about. They wrestle around briefly and Malloy tries to put Isobel into a choke hold. She struggles to apply the move properly and Isobel instructs her how to perfect her move. Malloy's not quite certain how hard to squeeze and as she's trying to figure it out, Isobel goes limp from her choke hold and she falls to the mat. Malloy attemps to administer CPR, but doesn't know the proper technique. She administers several chest compressions followed by mouth to mouth. Isobels chest and stomach rise with each breath but Malloy isn't giving her enough breaths to do her any good. She continues trying to resuscitate her friend to no avail.She straddles her and tries to do chest compressions, but she's not positive she's doing it properly. Despite her efforts, Malloys attempts to resuscitate Isobel do not work. She leaves her friends lifeless body on the mat to call for help.
WARNING: This clip does not end with Isobel coming to. No models were harmed during the filming of this or any other clip!
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June 21st 2011
I have been pacing a hole in the carpet waiting for Alexis to get here so we can go to a party when she finally decides to come strolling through the door. I am extremely angry with her for being so late and I grab her ear and start scolding her. The party is probably over by now and I took the time to shave my legs and get ready so now what are we going to do!? I start pulling and twisting her ears and I tell Alexis to hold her own ears and do five Indian sit-ups. I show her what they are and tell her to get to work. I demand she do her sit-ups slowly. Alexis tries to rush through her first two to get her punishment over with quickly, but I'm not allowing it. I grab her ears, demanding she do it MY way. I squeeze her ear lobes hard between my fingers and I slowly pull her down. She is forced to go at my pace. When I'm ready for her to stand up again, I pull her up by the tops of her ears. I watch as she finishes the rest of them to my satisfaction. I take turns with her ears, pulling and twisting them violently in all directions. I bet she wishes she wasn't wearing those long dangling earrings I'd lent her! I vent my anger on Alexis verbally while I torture her beautiful ears. I tell her to get out of my house and she just stands there, so I grab her by the ear again and lead her out myself.
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June 21st 2011
Kaire comes into the office and greets Ms. Rebecca who tells her that if she wants her daughter to pass the grade she will have to do something. Kaire agrees to do anything for her daughter to pass. Suddenly, Ms. Rebecca grabs Kaire's ear very hard and twists it, informing her that she punishes every mother like this at her parent teacher meetings and they all submit to her as Kaire will also. She twists Kaire's ear hard and grabs both of her ears and pulls them. Ms. Rebecca tells her she'll be doing sit-ups and Murgha punishment. Kaire has a surprise for Ms. Rebecca though. She is the new principal! She's received many complaints from parents and students about her incessant ear pulling and now has proof. Kaire grabs Ms. Rebecca's ear and twists it extremely hard so she will know how it feels to get her ears pulled. Kaire pulls Ms. Rebecca's ear downward and tells her that she will be holding one of her ears while she does ten sit-ups. With each sit-up, Ms. Rebecca is to count and thank the new principal. Next, she must Murgha. She forces her to stand in Murgha as well as walk. When she's finished, Kaire keeps enjoying twisting her ears in every direction pushing her away and then bringing her close, pushing her away and bringing her close again. She pulls Ms. Rebecca out of the room by her ears.
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June 21st 2011
Kelsie loves her ears and today she's going to show them off. She usually wears earrings, but she wants to show off her ears bare. She pulls on her long lobes, runs her fingers along the inside, flips her ears forward to show off the backs. She tells you a little secret about what she likes done to her ears. She tucks her hair behind her ears and tells you her favorite things as she continues playing with them. There are lots of close-ups of Kelsie's ears.
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June 21st 2011
Kim Lee's been caught cheating. Her husband is very angry with her and is forcing some self punishment on her to pay for her indiscretions. She must do five Indian sit ups, by pulling her ears down on the way down and pulling them up on the way up. She thinks she can get away with only doing a total of five, including going up and down, but he makes her do five more. To further punish her for misbehaving, he tells her he wants to see her in Murgha punishment. She squats down, puts her arms through the back of her legs to the front, and grabs her ears, pulling hard. He tells her to pull them even harder. She must be punished for what she's done. He finishes her punishment by forcing her to walk in this position. The walking Murgha will end her punishment for today. She will think twice before cheating again!
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